Fleeting Thought #13

Tell us one thing you hope people say about you. There are a lot of things I hope people say about me, good I hope. The one that currently comes to mind is I hope that people say I am fearless in pursuing my dreams and making the choices that are best for my life….

Fleeting Thought #12

What’s your favorite cartoon? I have a lot of favorite cartoons but the first one that comes to mind is Boondocks. I will randomly say “Don’t feed her the cheddar biscuit.” Plus, I love the theme song. Another one of my faves is The PJs. I still need to watch Young Love so I might…

Quote of the Week

This is something I have to remember because the journey to have a career as a writer is tedious and unpredictable. You just have to create, release what you produced, and let it go. You have to trust your audience will find or gravitate to you.

Quote of the Week

What is something you do to create happiness in your life? I read, create, watch something interesting to me, listen to music, and work out.